Thursday, September 18, 2008

DP-LA Format Rant

So I have spent far too much time recently looking intently at the format. I am sad to say, it Disapoints me. Unfortunately, and inevitably, the format blows. Here is the problem, there are TONs of DECENT decks, but absolutely no GOOD Decks. What makes a good deck Rory? Simple ... synergy.

Lets take a closer look before i dismiss like the entire format. What is a good deck? I good deck has several qualities to it. It can recover from a hard it, it sets up quickly and soundly, it is able to fight off disruption, it can hit hard early and late game, it DEFINES the format it exists in, they create cards to beat it, it can adapt to new sets and take advantage of them. This is a lot to demand from 60 cards, I know. But I have seen it done with MUCH success. Some good decks?

Dragtrode - I mean really? Battle Frontier didn't stop it, Medicham hurt it a little, but it came back. It could get energy REALLY fast, keep em out, hit for STUPID hard, recover from a loss by pulling more energy, it was just ... incredible.

Metanite - Donkability is fun, Battle Frontier didn't stop it, it picked up Rayquaza star like a pro, abuse metal, recover like a mofo, agility spam? SUPER fast .... twas rediculous

LBS - draw, quick search, rain, rain, attach, elemental blast? nuff said.

Flariados - OMG soooo good. Disruption, low energy costs, HUGE burst damage, speedy, t2able ... so much fun

Monarchy - Big damage, Candy addict, Scramble loving, DRE humping awesomeness

Idea + pidgeot - JK JK

Mewtrick - fast, versatile, easy recover, SOOO many options, HUGE disruption ... nuff said

Raieggs - U kidding me? Fast disruption, spread, big damage, stage 1, DELTA DRAW, energy root goodness.

So what do we have today, NOTHING like these decks. We have some stuff that is pretty close, we have some stage 2 - y set up decks, like Bell, Poli, Beedrill. We also have some raieggish kind of stuff in the form of frosslass and yanmega. ANd those are cool, rock on and all. However, they have no pizzaz. Thats like pizza but as an adjective. I mean Magnezone TRIES to be cool, but he is slow as a mofo. So all the decks play themselves now, its simple, read a body or attack and adjust. Oh, so I just get all my pixies in play and keep spamming 200? OK! Oh, so I just attach 3 energy to honchkrow and attack with murkrow? OK! Oh so I just keep discarding energy then Aqua Stream? OK! So I keep spreading and spreading? Ok! So i get out a wag/whirl/wrath/toed? Ok! SO i get out a bunch of bellossoms/plumes? Ok! SO I attach energy to my puppy and his attack do more damage? Ok! I mean, where is the versatility, where is the flare? Where is the fun? This format blows


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